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I think now is a good time to be more positive. Writing a list of the "pros" of teaching might help shift some of the anxiety I'm already starting to experience about going back on Monday. I realised earlier that if I want to be out of this profession at Christmas, I need to resign at the start of next week, and since I still don't know what else I would want to do with my life it looks like I'll be here for another term. So, with that in mind, I might as well remind myself that it's not all bad. Without further ado, I present to you:


  • The school holidays

I know, in a previous post I talked about how they're not all they're cracked up to be, and that's still true. However, I'd seriously be an ungrateful moron if I didn't recognise that they're a perk. Without the opportunity to recharge, I'd have nothing left to give. The best thing is, the whole school comes to a stop, so it's not like you are missing emails or work is piling up for when you get back. I know a lot of teachers work during their breaks, but I refuse to, and my school is amazing and totally supports that. Sometimes I have no choice but to get some marking done around exam time, but more or less, I give myself the full break. I can't possibly be a decent teacher if I don't allow myself the rest my body and mind so desperately need.

  • The good kids

The ones who smile and say "hi Miss" as they pass you in the corridor. The ones who stay behind and help you stack the chairs while all their friends go to break. The popular boys who love football and rugby, who get main parts in the school play and make Drama cool. The girls who get up there and act their socks off, and don't care what anyone thinks of them, despite the judgements from the bitchy group who always do a half arsed job because they're too cool for acting. The ones who you can put in any group, because they're kind to everyone and they don't leave anyone behind. The ones who you can count on to put their hand up when no one else does. The ones who try their best at all times. They're the ones we show up for.

  • The school shows

Directing a school show is SO MUCH FUN! It's without a doubt my favourite part of the job. You get to work solely with the kids I talked about in my last point. They love Drama, they work hard, they produce good results, they bond with each other and you bond with them. It's just so lovely. Plus, directing is far more fun than teaching. When we get 3 days off timetable to rehearse the week of the show, all I can think about is how I would love to just do this full time. Despite the extra work that comes with it, the school show is what gets me through to Christmas.

  • My colleagues

I'm lucky that I have two other Drama teachers that I can talk to when things get tough. Since they're both part time, there are days when I'm in the department on my own, and those days are the worst. I think some of my Sunday night anxiety comes from the fact I know I'll be on my own on Monday, and it truly sucks. They're not just colleagues, they're friends who I care a lot about and they're the best! They totally get it, and they never fail to make me laugh when I'm having a rough day. If it wasn't for them, I'd have quit years ago.

  • Job security

Teachers are always in need. Drama teachers less so, but still, I know I will always be able to find work as a teacher if I want it. Furthermore, I know that my current job is safe, and I've got it for as long as I want it. Even during covid times I was teaching from home and earning my full salary, while some of my friends were not so lucky. If anything, it's too difficult to get out of it!

  • The pension

You get a good pension as a teacher. I'm clutching at straws now... but it is a positive, I'll need that one day!

See, it's not all bad. Anyway, maybe I should just hand in my resignation on Monday even though I don't have a new job lined up, so that I can leave at Christmas and not have to wait until Easter. The temptation is real...

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